Thursday, March 4, 2010

Random but true.

So I was recently "introduced" to a fellow 20-something blogger who lives in Austin and is a middle school teacher (shudder - no offense! ... ). First off, her blog is all kinds of entertaining - check it out here: Tales from the Serengeti.

Secondly, I have never had any desire to be a teacher, probably because I realize that I would be terrible at it (unlike la Beast, who seems like an awesome one).

But the number one reason that I would never ever in a million years want to become a teacher just hit me.

In case I ever decide to peek down this career path, I will just remind myself that I could never EVER EVER EVER go to work with a hangover. Clearly, anything that interferes with impromptu, mid-week boozing is out of the question for me (and most of my friends).

Guess that’s why we don't hang out with any teachers?

Ahem, my friend Skeeazy E just corrected me - apparently, we DO hang out with Teachers.


la beast said...

thank you for the sweet post!

but didnt you know happy hour was invented for teachers? we just get our boozing done early and then hit the hay :)

Meg said...

Man, I owe more than I thought to my teachers then!