Monday, February 8, 2010

Caption this image:

Part of our office is currently under construction. Which means that we all have to enter on the top floor, walk through our design department, then descend to our respective floors from there. Ugh.

Which I suppose is the reason they posted this ... er... helpful - ? - sign to guide us towards design. I'm not quite sure what it's supposed to mean - decapitation is pretty much the only thing that comes to mind:

(first few letters redacted above ...)

So I'm soliciting captions - here and elsewhere (where people might actually read and respond... ). Go a-HEAD, give me your best shot.

UPDATE: A sampling of the entries, for your entertainment:

When we're on a deadline we never lose our head...oh, wait a minute!

Looks like someone's got a case of the Mondays.

Design: They'll blow your mind away.

We don't have bathrooms, we just kill you...with our designs.

I hear she gives good head.

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